Recent News

Baltimore’s Public Confederate Monuments Report

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced the release of a report on the findings of Baltimore City-owned public Confederate Monuments that lays the groundwork to address the recommendations for the

Baltimore’s Public Confederate Monuments Report

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced the release of a report on the findings of Baltimore City-owned public Confederate Monuments that lays the groundwork to address the recommendations f

¿Que hacer cuando la Policía Detiene mientras conduce?

Existen distintas razones por las cuales la policía le puede detener a usted.

Cualquiera que sea la razón, el oficial necesita su cooperación.

  • Es posible que usted haya cometido una infracción de tráfico.
  • Es posible que usted llene la descripción de un sospechoso.
  • Es posible que el oficial crea que usted se encuentra en un aprieto y necesita ayuda.
  • Es posible que usted haya sido testigo de un crimen.

MIMA en Espanol: El Virus del Zika

Debido a la amenaza potencial del Virus del Zika, la alcaldesa Stephanie Rawlings-Blake convoco un grupo de trabajo bajo la dirección de la Comisionada de Salud, la Dra. Leana Wen, para desarrollar un plan con recomendaciones y así proteger a nuestros residentes.

YouthWorks meets goal of summer jobs offered to 8,000 youth

For the second consecutive year, at least 8,000 Baltimore City youth and young adults, ages 14-21, will be offered a five-week YouthWorks summer employment opportunity. Today, approximately 6,000 youth started working in a wide variety of industries, including health care, hospitality/tourism, finance, construction, law and government jobs. A second five-week cycle will begin employing additional youth on July 11, 2016, bringing the total number of worksites to more than 900.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Joins FEMA to Honor Baltimore City as one of the Nation’s Leading Floodplain Management Communities

Mayor Rawlings-Blake joined representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to accept an award on behalf of the City of Baltimore for its outstanding achievements in reducing fl

class five designationFEMAinsurance bills

Mayor Rawlings-Blake and Dr. Wen Announce the Grand Opening of the City’s Newest Early Head Start Center in West Baltimore

Mayor Rawlings-Blake, Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen, representatives from LIGHT Health and Wellness Comprehensive Services, and members of the community celebrated the grand opening of the newest Early Head Start Center in Baltimore City.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Launches Second Phase of Construction of the Skatepark of Baltimore in Hampden

Mayor Rawlings-Blake and representatives from Baltimore City Recreation and Parks (BCRP) and community members celebrated the groundbreaking of the second phase of construction of the Skatepa

Mayor Rawlings-Blake, U. S. General Services Administrator Denise Roth, Senior Policy Advisor at the National Economic Council Nate Loewentheil, Announce the Sale of Metro West Complex

Mayor Rawlings-Blake joined Denise Turner Roth of the United States General Services Administration (GSA) and Nate Loewentheil, a senior policy advisor at the National Economic Council and head of

Announcement of Sale of Metro West

Foundation encourages private sector to match support for summer jobs

Baltimore City’s nationally recognized summer jobs program, YouthWorks, continues to grow in popularity, increasing the need for employment opportunities this summer. In response, the Annie E. Casey Foundation has committed $500,000 and offered a second $500,000 as a challenge grant to be matched by the private sector. These funds will create more than 650 five-week summer jobs for city youth and young adults. But more money is needed in order to offer employment to all youth who have completed their registration.
